Social Justice
Unitarian Universalist Church of Wakefield (UUCW) Social Action Committee engages church members, friends and neighbors in deepening understanding of social justice issues. Our social action work comes from the heart and soul of this church community. We address social justice issues through education, advocacy, and invite church members’ and friends’ participation. We strive to put our Unitarian Universalist principles in action.
From social actions, generosity of spirit develops, and a new way of life begins. Below are the organizations we support or collaborate with:
- We staff My Brother’s Table a soup kitchen in Lynn, once a month.
- Each December, we participate in a local holiday gift program for families in need.
- We support the Wakefield Food Pantry through ongoing collections and a special church wide collection each April.
- We partner with Wakefield Human Rights Commission to create a public lecture series on human justice topics and issues.
- We participate in Mission of Deeds annual coat drive and host our own church wide collections.
- Boys and Girls Club of Wakefield
- UUMassAction
- Annually we host the Guest At Your Table, an educational and fundraising program of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, a human rights organization powered by grassroots collaboration. In 15 countries throughout the world, UUSC fosters social justice and works toward a world free from oppression
Fall 2022 Update: As we begin this new church year – I want to update you on our Social Action activity. Our UU Church of Wakefield remains strongly committed to social actions as always. This year we will not be holding monthly meetings, however, our communications and activities will continue. In fact, we encourage anyone to organize an event or share information that fits into our social action programing.
We continue to support the work of many local organizations by highlighting their missions, volunteering on site, and, when possible organizing events or drives to increase to goods and services. Some of these organization are:
-Wakefield Food Pantry – annual April food / goods drive
-Mission of Deeds – donation and volunteer opportunities
-My Brothers Table – ongoing dedicated group of volunteers
-Boys and Girls Club – donation and volunteer opportunities
– Wakefield Salvation Army Annual Christmas Gift Drive
But there are others too….
-Malden Warming Center – you will hear more about this program and ways we can support.
We also highlight the work of UUSC each year through the Guest at Your Table Program.
Remember – the work we do and the programs we highlight are only the tip of the iceberg. This year you may learn of an interesting film or book regarding a social justice topic that you would like to share, or perhaps you become aware of a social action event in town. Please reach out to any one of us. We especially welcome your offer to organize an event or create an announcement. Remember, we may be small in numbers, and short on time, but together we can make a difference.