This Sunday and Beyond…
Good morning,
This Sunday, When We Are Wrong. In a world that teaches us that we should stand by our convictions, it takes courage to be wrong, to mess up, and certainly to admit to our wrongs and seek repair. This past week saw the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, a day marked with fasting and prayer and a day that reminds us that within the courage of atonement and forgiveness, we find hopefulness and possibility. Together, we’ll explore the courage to be wrong and the beauty that comes from repair and forgiveness. Our service begins at 10:30 AM. If you plan to join us online, click Launch Service.
WAKEFIELD TOWN DAY, Saturday, October 8. 1:00-4:00 PM, on the Common. UUCW will have an informational table. Sign up to spend an hour with Rev. Elizabeth answering questions about our congregation and chatting with our neighbors. Email Rev. E to sign up: minister@wakefield-uu.org.
Saturday, October 8 at 7:30 PM, Linden Tree Coffeehouse presents the Squeezebox Stompers. The Squeezebox Stompers are a Boston area Americana Roots band. They have performed Cajun, Zydeco, Blues, Folk, and originals all over New England. They are noted for their step-lively upbeat music, inspiring audiences to get up and dance. Their instrumentation includes accordion, keyboards, fiddle, saxophone, harmonica, penny whistle, guitar, bass, and drums. The LTC staff strongly recommends masks be worn to protect the musicians, members of the audience, and the volunteer staff. For more information, please visit the LTC website https://lindentreecoffeehouse.org/.
CHURCH MEETING – Mark your calendar
Our Fall meeting will be on Sunday, October 16, beginning at noon in the Social Hall. All church members and friends are encouraged to attend the meeting though only church members may vote. We have a small list of articles so the meeting won’t be long. Click here for the warrant.
The next UUCW MBT service date is Saturday, October 15. Interested in helping out? Contact Kristen Henshaw motherkrez@hotmail.com.
Saturday, October 15 – UU Church of Reading is holding their Kris Kringle Church Fair. This year they will be raffling a quilt. Click here for more details.
UU Church of Melrose has re-opened its search for a part-time Office Administrator to assist church staff and the congregation with communication, building rentals, bookkeeping support, and other administrative tasks. The position is 22 hours per week from late August through mid-June, plus a few hours per week during the summer months (no weekends). Prior experience in small office management and demonstrated experience in Google Suite and familiarity with social media and publicity related to posting for events. The full job description may be found on the MUUC website at https://www.melroseuu.org/office-administrator/.
See you Sunday!

Our Soul Matters theme for October is Courage, and when I first began thinking about this theme, I felt a little lost.
This came, I think, because I’ve been told I’m “courageous” for things that I simply think of as part of my everyday life. Courageous to take on the difficult job of hospice chaplaincy (no, I think, it felt like an honor to be welcomed into a family’s most vulnerable time). Courageous to move to a new place (no, that was me following the opportunity available). Courageous to speak honestly about hard experiences (how else do we make sense of them?)
I’ve noticed that when I see courage in others, they have similar “this was just what I needed to do” responses. Like so many other things in life, courage is subjective. This month, as we explore courage in our community, may we receive the naming of courage from others, remembering that courage is particular to our experiences.
Email Rev. Elizabeth