September 15 and Beyond…

This Sunday and Beyond…

Good morning,
NOTE: UUCW is looking to communicate with you through this weekly newsletter format. If you see a word underlined, click it, and it will bring you to a related website, a document for you to open and read, or an email to send. Your feedback is welcome; send your comments to
This Sunday, Whose Are We? – Do we belong to ourselves? To one another? To the World? In this service, we’ll use the idea of belonging to explore our individuality and interdependence. Our service begins at 10:30 AM. If you plan to join us online, click Launch Service. We will enjoy coffee outside if it is a nice day.

Rise Up Singing – Back from the summer, the opening session begins this Friday at 7:30 PM. Rise Up Singing is an informal and spirited evening of shared music-making inspired by, but not limited to, the Rise Up Singing and Rise Again songbooks. Singers and instrumentalists of all ages are welcome. No auditions and no rehearsals – just come and join in! RUS is still using a virtual space to connect. The Zoom invitation will be mailed to everyone on the RUS email list. You can get on the email list by sending your name to
September 24 – The Linden Tree Coffeehouse 38th Season Opener. The night will pay tribute to one of the LTC’s founders, Ed Britt. Local area performers will play music in honor of Ed. Also appearing is Hubby Jenkins. The concert begins at 7:30 PM. The LTC staff strongly recommends masks be worn to protect the musicians, members of the audience, and the volunteer staff. For more information, please visit the LTC website

MY BROTHER’S TABLE. Our UUCW MBT service date is this Saturday. Here is a message from Kristen Henshaw.
“My Peeps, That’s right! It’s the third Saturday once again. Let me know if you can join us. We meet at the church at 11:00 AM and drive to Lynn, where we will work until 3:00 PM, doing whatever they tell us to do. Also, let me know if you can drive. Thanx, you wonderful worker bees!” Kristen 781-246-2387,

UUCW YARD SALE, Saturday, October 1. Set up begins at 7:00 AM, the sale will begin at 8:30 AM, and the clean up starts at 1:00 PM. Janine created this flyer to let you know when you can begin bringing your sales items to the church, it lists the drop-off times and other important details for the yard sale.
WAKEFIELD TOWN DAY, Saturday, October 8. 1:00-4:00 PM, on the Common. UUCW will have an informational table. Sign up to spend an hour with Rev. Elizabeth answering questions about our congregation and chatting with our neighbors. Email Rev. E to sign up:

This summer, I attended my family reunion. Growing up, the Galligan side of my family gathered every other year for a week of games, meals, storytelling, dancing, and whatever else we could stuff into our brief time together. Until this summer, it had been nearly 20 years since we’d all come together.
My family is large. Very large. If we were to all gather, there would be 106 of us (and two more on the way), and we’d carry with us the memories of those who have died in our lifetimes. I’m always a bit surprised at the strong sense of belonging I feel, even such a large crowd. We have a common history, shared foods and traditions. We wear matching t-shirts, and for just that one day, WE LOVE IT. When today’s teens ask why the little kids follow them constantly, my cousins and I laugh as we recall making similar complaints.
That is belonging. That sense of security in a shared laugh. The way we can all sing the family song. The intentional welcome of neighbors who wandered over… “no, we’re not having a party, this is our family…and yes, we’d love for you to grab a plate and sit with us.”
What are some of the simple moments that tell you that you belong?
Email Rev. Elizabeth

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