This Sunday and Beyond… Good morning, NOTE: UUCW is looking to communicate with you through this weekly newsletter format. If you see a word underlined, click it, and it will bring you to a related website, a document for you to open and read, or an email to send. Your feedback is welcome; send your comments to This Sunday, Story Worship. This service will be held in the Social Hall. We will engage in ritual, sing together, and have time for quiet reflection and sharing as we reflect on the text specified by Rev. Elizabeth. Thinking putty is available for people of all ages who find moving their bodies helps them listen and participate. Please note that we will try to provide a virtual connection, but the sound may be weak. We are working on getting a more robust sound system for services held in the Social Hall. Our service begins at 10:30 AM. If you plan to join us online, click Launch Service. MUSIC Saturday, October 8 at 7:30 PM, Linden Tree Coffeehouse presents the Squeezebox Stompers. The Squeezebox Stompers are a Boston area Americana Roots band. They have performed Cajun, Zydeco, Blues, Folk, and originals all over New England. They are noted for their step-lively upbeat music, inspiring audiences to get up and dance. Their instrumentation includes accordion, keyboards, fiddle, saxophone, harmonica, penny whistle, guitar, bass, and drums. The LTC staff strongly recommends masks be worn to protect the musicians, members of the audience, and the volunteer staff. For more information, please visit the LTC website FUNDRAISING YARD SALE! This Saturday is our yard sale. You can start bringing your items to the church starting today and tomorrow. Bring any large items by 8:30 AM Saturday morning. A reminder only clean and priced items will be received. If you have a price question, contact Janine. & Friday drop-off times are 3:30 -5:30 PM and 6:00 -7:30 PM. Setup begins at 7:00 AM Saturday. The sale begins at 9:00 AM, and cleanup starts at 1:00 PM. We need volunteers to help sell the items and a cleanup crew. MY BROTHER’S TABLE Kristen has written her monthly story about what our UUCW volunteer crew experienced in their September service. Click here to open up the story. WAKEFIELD TOWN DAY, Saturday, October 8. 1:00-4:00 PM, on the Common. UUCW will have an informational table. Sign up to spend an hour with Rev. Elizabeth answering questions about our congregation and chatting with our neighbors. Email Rev. E to sign up: FROM REV. ELIZABETH:Rev. Elizabeth is on furlough this week but you can still email her! She looks forward to responding to your email when she returns.Email Rev. Elizabeth |