Topic: Beloved Community

Side with Love

What if to “side with love” meant making bold, faith-full choices? What if it were even a little bit scary? This worship service brings together worship leaders and musicians from across the country to offer hopeful, moving, challenging reminders about what we, as Unitarians Universalists, … read more.

Chaplain Lisa Kirk

We welcome back Chaplain Lisa Kirk for this Sunday’s service. More details coming soon.

An 8th UU Principle

Our Unitarian Universalist faith is one that responds to community and changes in our larger world. A group within our Unitarian Universalist faith has proposed the addition of an 8th Principle. We’ll explore the origins, the work, the adoption process, and how an 8th Principle … read more.

To Need One Another

As we begin a month of exploring Beloved Community, we start from a place of truly needing one another. What would it look like to embody that in our actions and our community building? As we begin a month of exploring Beloved Community, we start … read more.