Topic: Healing

UUSC Guest at Your Table: The Meaning of Home

For many of us, our relationship with home
has intensified this year. The pandemic has
given many of us new appreciation for, and concerns about,
the places we call home and the centrality of these places
in our lives.
This year during Guest at Your Table, we invite you to
witness … read more.

Rearranging the Pieces

Paige Bradley’s sculpture, Expansion, depicts a woman, seated in the lotus position. The bronze sculpture is cracked in multiple places, and from those cracks pours brilliant light. Together we will explore this sculpture as a metaphor for healing: so often we cannot fix what is … read more.

What’s Next?

Rabbi Trek Reef joins us to imagine what comes next for us following a long election season.

Exploring Our 7th Principle

Exploring our 7th Principle, Respect for
the interdependent web of all existence
of which we are a part through the Prayer
for The Earth: An Indigenous Response
To These Times. As the world rushes toward the brink of
biospheric collapse, many people are now
looking to traditional Indigenous wisdom for
guidance on … read more.

I Dreamt We Were All Beautiful and Strong

As we head into this election, we carry a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. We also carry a lot of potential, a lot of promise. Together we will explore tools and practices for coping as we seek to heal ourselves and our beautiful, broken world.