Archives: Services
Summer Break
Our congregation takes a break from services during the summer. We will resume our regular Sunday services on Sunday, September 10. May your summer be filled with rest, curiosity, and connection. We look forward to hearing about how you have filled these months when we … read more.
Flower Centennial
In our final church service of the year, and Rev. Elizabeth’s final service as our minister, join in celebrating the 100th anniversary of Norbert Capek’s Flower Ceremony! Bring a flower to church, mingle your with others as we build a bouquet of beautiful colors and … read more.
Moments of Delight
How often do we engage playfully in simple moments of delight? Not for a young person we spend time with, but just for ourselves? This service is an invitation into some interactive moments of delight. Come join us as we simply delight in this chance … read more.
Lessons from Anime
This service started off as a “what if…” question from Miriam and Coralie during their Religious Education class. What if we had a church service that explored aspects of pop culture that engage them? What might we all learn from the particular creativity and storylines … read more.
May the ____ We Now Kindle
Our Soul Matters theme this month is creativity. Come join this unusual service as we co-create this Mad Libs service. In our readings and sermon, you’ll have a chance to “fill in the blanks” and see what we come up with together!
“Stranger at the Gate” Service with film and discussion
This Sunday, April 30 service will feature the film “Stranger at the Gate”. The short documentary film tells the story of Richard (Mac) McKinney, a Marine veteran from Indiana, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. After his return he coped with PTSD, and developed Islamophobia. … read more.
The Blessing of Soil
On this Earth Day, as we honor the ways our planet has helped us grow, we also get to celebrate a Child Dedication, and honor the ways her family, and the older kids and adults around her, will help her grow. Join us for this … read more.
Revolutionary Joy
In a world that brings us one heartbreak after the next, embracing joy is an act of resistance that claims we will thrive, we will build the future we dream about, we will seek justice and love. Join Rev. Elizabeth as we explore the revolutionary … read more.
Easter Sunday
In this Easter Sunday service, we’ll explore what the metaphor of the Easter story can do for Unitarian Universalists.